[Resource] Online book: A Guide to Assessing Needs

From the evaluation folks at AE365:

"You’re not limited to surveys, interviews and focus groups: While surveys and focus groups are wonderful tools, there are so many more tools and techniques that you can use for both data collection and decision-making purposes. Have you ever used nominal group technique? How about fishbone diagrams, World Café or multicriteria analysis? Our book has summaries of 23 tools and techniques such as these."

Available in full text online

Fellow represents WI at Inaugural National Health Impact Assessment Meeting

Marjory Givens (former Fellow) and Paula Tran Inzeo representing Wisconsin at the Inaugural Health Impact Assessment meeting in Washington, DC
Fellow Paula Tran Inzeo and Marjory Givens (former fellow) represented Wisconsin at the Inaugural National Health Impact Assessment Meeting in Washington, DC the first week of April. The meeting, hosted by the Health Impact Project (a collaboration of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and The Pew Charitable Trusts, capitalized on the burgeoning national interest in Health Impact Assessment (HIA) and convened policy makers, public health professionals, HIA practitioners and anyone with an interest in learning more about HIA. Paula and Marjory have been actively working on building capacity of practitioners in Wisconsin to conduct HIAs and played a large role in a recent demonstration grant awarded to the UW Population Health Institute to conduct an HIA on Transitional Jobs Programs. The grant, awarded by the National Network of Public Health Institutes and the Health Impact Project, is one of two that is a part of a broad initiative,  Increasing the National Capacity for HIAs: Utilizing the Nation's Public Health Institutes, which is intended to promote and support the growth of the HIA field.

 Below is the press release for the grant:

Funding in South Carolina and Wisconsin will Ensure Health is Considered in Comprehensive Neighborhood Planning and Decisions Related to Transitional Jobs Programs  

April 3, 2012, New Orleans, LA: 

The National Network of Public Health Institutes (NNPHI) and the Health Impact Project, a collaboration of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and The Pew Charitable Trusts, have awarded funding to South Carolina Institute of Medicine and Public Health (SCIMPH) and University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute (UWPHI) to serve as models of public health institutes conducting Health Impact Assessments (HIAs). Their work forms an integral part of NNPHI and the Health Impact Project's broader initiative, Increasing the National Capacity for HIAs: Utilizing the Nation's Public Health Institutes, which is intended to promote and support the growth of the HIA field. Currently, NNPHI is funding two regional training centers at the Georgia Health Policy Center and the Oregon Public Health Institute to provide training and technical assistance on HIA. 

An HIA is a type of study that helps decision-makers identify the likely health impacts of a decision in another field. "HIAs have gained increased attention as a tool for considering health in decision making. The increased focus on HIAs is due to the recent Institute of Medicine report,For the Public's Health: The Role of Measurement in Action and Accountability; National Prevention Council's focus on health in all policies; and overwhelming interest in the inaugural National HIA Meeting (April 3-4, 2012 in Washington, DC). "HIAs are a tool for supporting health in all policies, which public health institutes support as an important approach to improving health outcomes," says Erin Marziale, MPH, Program Manager for NNPHI.  

Public health institutes (PHIs) are nonprofit organizations that improve the public's health by fostering innovation, leveraging resources, and building partnerships across sectors, including government agencies, communities, the health care delivery system, media, and academia. PHIs address current and emerging health issues by providing expertise in areas like fiscal/administrative management; population-based health program delivery; health policy development, implementation, and evaluation; training and technical assistance; research and evaluation; health information services; health communications and social marketing; and convening/partnering.  

By conducting model HIAs, the South Carolina Institute of Medicine and Public Health and University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute add to the growing number of PHIs participating in the Increasing National Capacity for HIAs project, leveraging the NNPHI membership's geographic diversity, scientific credibility, policy expertise, multi-sectoral partnerships, and emerging leadership in the field of HIA. In South Carolina, the HIA will inform the City of Greenville's Planning Commission and City Council in the development of their comprehensive plan. The HIA will ensure a focus on health related to decisions regarding parks, green spaces, and trails. In Wisconsin, the HIA will inform decisions related to transitional jobs programs. The HIA will examine the potential health impacts of the jobs program, including outcomes such as mental health, violence, and community health.

Fellow works on Communities Putting Prevention to Work initiative

source: http://www.hhs.gov/recovery/programs/cppw/factsheet.html
Fellow Kelli Stader is transitioning into a new role for the remainder of her fellowship. She will be serving as the Nutrition Coordinator for the Communities Putting Prevention to Work (CPPW) initiative. CPPW supports 50 communities around the country tackling obesity and tobacco use at the local level. The grant focuses on environmental and system changes that can make healthy living easier. La Crosse County and Wood County received funding through this initiative and have both made significant progress in improving their community environments to support health. They have developed Farm to School programs, improved vending choices at worksites, created Safe Routes to Schools, and developed after-school physical activity programs for students. Check out their stories: http://www.preventionspeaks.org/stories/tag/La%20Crosse%20Co%20WI and http://www.preventionspeaks.org/stories/tag/Wood%20Co%20WI!

Milwaukee Consortium for Hmong Health launches new website

Fellow Katarina Grande has been working with the Consortium for Hmong Health since early in her Fellowship. Recently, she worked with the group to develop content for a new website. Read on for the website release announcement and please explore the site! 

The Milwaukee Consortium for Hmong Health has launched a new website: www.MkeHmongHealth.org. The web site contains health information, community news, and upcoming health and wellness events for the Milwaukee Hmong community and anyone interested in Hmong health.

The web site is the first to focus on Hmong health in Milwaukee. “We hope this website will be a go-to health resource for the Milwaukee Hmong community. Not only does the site contain information about the Consortium’s work, but it also provides links to Hmong-specific health websites and materials,” says Consortium Project Manager Beth R. Peterman.

The site, which will later be dually accessible in English and Hmong, is culturally appropriate and easy to navigate. Pang Vang, Project Coordinator, says, “Because literacy in general is often of concern in the Hmong community, the Consortium worked closely with the web developer to include Hmong design elements, large icons, and a plan to translate the English texts into Hmong to create an easy browsing experience.”

The Milwaukee Consortium for Hmong Health, established in 2008, works to engage the Hmong community for positive change regarding women’s cancer health and wellness.
Funding for this project was provided by the UW School of Medicine and Public Health from the Wisconsin Partnership Program. Support for Consortium activities, including this project, has been provided in part by the State of Wisconsin's Well Woman Program.

Meeting: Homelessness and public health

Brochures from Pathfinders and Walker's Point Youth and Family Center
Fellow Rashonda Jones planned an intense meeting on the topic of homelessness. To prepare for the meeting, we watched a Milwaukee Public Television documentary called "Homeless in the Heartland"--here's the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCHfB4aui9g  

The documentary and our discussions with representatives from The Guest House, Pathfinders, and Walker's Point Youth and Family Center provided sobering perspectives on homelessness, including the fact that thousands of Milwaukee families are affected by homelessness. Some are in shelters while others bounce between friends' and extended family's couches. Many are split between multiple shelters, since there are centers for men and centers for women and children, but few places for families to remain sheltered together. The Fellows were in awe of the staff of the centers supporting homeless individuals.

The day's meeting was interspersed with CAL presentations by Kelli Stader and Kristen Audet and a skill-building workshop on grant proposals and budgeting with Marge Stearns.
Tips on submitting grant proposal budgets
Meeting organizer Rashonda Jones takes notes

Report: 2011-2012 Wisconsin State Budget: Impact on Wisconsin Women and Girls

In her work as a Population Health Service Fellow at the Wisconsin Alliance for Women's Health, Emma Hynes authored a report entitled, "2011-2012 Wisconsin State Budget: Impact on Wisconsin Women and Girls." The report examines how the significant cuts made in the most recent state budget in areas such as medicaid, public transit, child care, transitional jobs program, and public education affect the health and well-being of women and girls in Wisconsin. Emma presented her report most recently at the February Fellow meeting, where she described the importance of translating the multi-dimensional effects of budget cuts into understandable terms for consumers, advocates and legislators. Emma also recounted the countless of hours of research for the report that included innumerable conversations with the Legislative Fiscal Bureau and other organizations and government departments. Read the full report here.

Sexuality and Empowerment

Rep. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) in an LGBT Equality Caucus video for the It Gets Better Project. Image from ItGetsBetter.org; http://www.itgetsbetter.org/video/entry/7577/
For the first time, we held a joint monthly meeting with the Training in Urban Medicine and Public Health (TRIUMPH) medical students. The meeting focused both on public health and medical aspects of LGBT health. 

After learning more about the TRIUMPH students, we had a mini discussion on the Healthy People 2020 goals focused on LGBT individuals and an article about healthcare for transgendered individuals.

Next, we listened to the dynamic executive director of Diverse and Resilient, Gary Hollander, present on the Acceptance Journeys project aiming to end homophobia. After extensive research, partnership-building, and collaboration to address the high rates of HIV infection in young African American men who have sex with men, the organization developed the Acceptance Journeys media campaign. Gary shared beautiful stories featured in Acceptance Journeys. Fellow Anneke has been working on the evaluation of this campaign; read more about it here.

Next up was the Provider Panel at the 16th St. Parkway Clinic. Here, clinicians, social workers, and public health professionals discussed their experiences caring for and working with LGBT individuals. Much of the conversation focused on unique health experiences transgendered individuals face, and how clinicians can increase cultural competence.

We then had the pleasure of speaking with four transgendered and one gay individual about their experiences with the medical system, and life experiences in general. This patient panel, facilitated by Diverse and Resilient's Brenda Coley, was truly a highlight of the day. The panel's willingness to share deeply personal stories enriched everyone's learning experience and understanding. To develop concrete skills in cultural humility, the panel was followed-up with practice interview sessions where the patients pretended to be visiting a clinic with a health problem and the TRIUMPH students/Fellows had to use appropriate language in their interviews.

Paula Tran Inzeo lead the closing discussion and reflections, emphasizing the importance of continuing the conversations and lessons of the day. As public health professionals, we can make important systemic changes in the way healthcare systems, political systems, and society address and value LGBT concerns.

Public Health Preparedness

Radio coverage areas in Wisconsin: important for public health preparedness
<<Alert: train derailment/toxic chemicals on board/major spill<< 
Although this alert wasn't real, emergency responders in Wisconsin gathered at the State Emergency Operations Center to simulate their response to the hypothetical event. Representatives from the Department of Health Services, hospital systems, National Guard, police, and firefighters participated in the exercise--along with the Population Health Fellows. Though our role was mostly observational, Fellows and staff asked the experts about the community's role in preparedness (what is being done to ready the community?) as well as the potential for policy changes to arise from tabletop exercises.

A scene from the State Emergency Operations Center
Fellows participating in the train derailment response simulation

After the preparedness exercise, we focused the afternoon around public health ethics. Dan Stier, the Program Director for the Network for Public Health Law, spoke to the group about some of the legal issues public health faces. Did you know the 1st, 4th, 5th, and 14th Amendments are particularly relevant to public health law?

The meeting ended with Professor Claire Wendland from UW-Madison hosting a skill-building session on the history of ethics and Institutional Review Boards. We discussed tricky scenarios like the balance between individual freedom and risk to a community in the context of infectious disease.

Community Health Improvement Plan

photo credit: Black River Falls Memorial Hospital, http://www.brmh.net/map.aspx

An ongoing project I have been working on is assisting the Black River Falls Memorial Hospital located in Black River Falls, WI complete their community health improvement plan. One of the changes brought on by healthcare reform has been the requirement of hospitals to complete a community health improvement plan to maintain their non-profit status. Many hospitals across the nation have been relying on public health professionals to help with the process as it has traditionally been a public health function.

Black River Falls is located in Jackson County and is unique in that not only does have a community hospital and  a local health department but it is also home to the Ho-Chunk Nation. During the fall of 2011 I helped the core group facilitate a community health forum to identify health priorities and brainstorm ways to address them. It was great to see representatives from the local health department, the Ho-Chunk nation, law enforcement, schools, human services, various community groups and local residents come together. Many of the attendees shared the same concerns but were unable to identify allies in the community. The forum provided a space to network and discuss the health of the community.

The core group is continuing to meet and is transitioning from identify priorities to developing action plans. I'll be sure share updates along the way.

Straw Purchasing

photo credit: Express Milwaukee, http://www.expressmilwaukee.com/article-2205-guns-in-the-wrong-hands.html
Currently, I am working on a project with the Milwaukee Health Department’s Office of Violence Prevention (OVP) on “straw purchasing.” “Straw Purchasing” is the act of one person buying a gun for another person, who is not allowed to own one. “Straw Purchasing” is a problem in Milwaukee and something that OVP is trying to address. In order to address this issue, we have conducted focus groups, interviews, and will be writing a report in the near future with recommendations on how one could effectively create a campaign to discourage straw purchasing, with information specific to Milwaukee.  

Malawi journey

This chicken was given to Loren and me by village residents we visited. Field scientist Gerald was much better at holding the chicken than I.
In October 2011, I had the incredible opportunity to travel to Malawi with my preceptor, Loren Galvao, to learn about and assist with a project called “Tiphunzitsane: Pathways Linking Poverty, Food Insecurity, and HIV in Rural Malawi.” The 5-year, NIH-funded project (Lance Weinhardt of the ZSPH is the Principle Investigator; Loren the Co-PI) examines links between structural interventions like improved farming practices and village savings groups and health. This project is fascinating because it really dives deeply into the root contributors to health. We know that things like vaccines and healthcare access contribute to health, but through this project we’re learning more about how factors like economic security, women’s empowerment, and food security play a significant role. Though the project resides in Malawi, some of the findings will likely be applicable worldwide—Wisconsin included.

My three weeks in Malawi were packed with excitement. I re-united with Thoko, the project manager, and Esther, the data manager, who work for CARE-Malawi. I had met the two outstanding women a year ago, when they came to Milwaukee for a training. I quickly embedded myself within the CARE-Malawi field scientist team—Chrispine, Thula, Florence, Chrissie, and Gerald—a dynamic group passionately committed to improving the health of Malawians. Loren and I visited with the team to discuss findings and progress on the qualitative and quantitative research. We also met with representatives from CARE, the Ministry of Health, and the Ministry of Finance to get a broader picture of current projects and health priorities in the country. 
Loren, joyously welcomed by women in the village
  We split our time between Kasungu, the base for field operations, and the capitol city, Lilongwe, where the head CARE office is located. We went on a few field visits, where we met participants in the study. The women held a village savings and loans meeting during our visit, which is an intervention we are studying. Without access to formal banking in the very rural areas, village residents struggle to save money or procure loans. Village savings and loans groups essentially make it possible for villagers to save and grow their money. Read more about VS&L groups here. It was extremely helpful to visualize how the savings group functions: members each contribute a sum of money to the group; when someone wants to borrow money, she may do so, but must re-pay the amount back with interest in a designated period of time. The group members shared examples of what they do with the loans—buy bikes for transportation, expand businesses, pay for school uniforms and fees.
The field team and me after a day-long data analysis and interpretation workshop

During the weekends, I experienced Malawi culture by attending a wedding (and learning how to do the “money dance,” where money is tossed at the bride and groom in a celebratory dance), visiting beautiful Lake Malawi, and learning how to de-feather a freshly slaughtered chicken.

I’m putting together a mini-documentary describing the project and perspectives of project leaders and staff—stay tuned for the link!
En route to a field visit via motorbike
Many, many thanks to Loren and Lance for making this trip possible--and also to the entire field team in Malawi. I miss everyone!

Food security and nutrition

Fellows visited SHARE Wisconsin, a food-buying club committed to making affordable food available to both areas undeserved by traditional grocery stores (areas known as "food deserts") as well as anyone interested in saving money. We began our day with a volunteer project, which mirrors the operational model of SHARE--highly volunteer-run. We packed 436 boxes of organic produce for SHARE clients (and had a great time doing it)!

Tyler, Anneke, Emma, Paula, and Jim work the assembly line

SHARE organic produce box

Rashonda, Kelli, and Anneke act as quality control inspectors

Kat and Kristen provide the assembly line muscle by stacking full boxes onto pallets
After a hearty lunch provided by SHARE, we heard about the SHARE Mobile Markets Project from the project's academic partners: Dr. Paul Hunter from UW-Madison and the Milwaukee Health Department, Courtenay Kessler and David Frazer from the Center for Urban Population Health, and Fellow Kelli Stader. Along with the project's evaluation and logistics, we learned a lot about processes and partnerships. For a more vibrant look at the project, watch this video.

The final session was a skill-building workshop hosted by David Frazer on facilitation. We had a great discussion on the differences between networks, collaborations, and relationships in the context of groups.

Acceptance Journeys

On National Coming Out Day, October 11, I had the pleasure of attending the launch of an anti-homophobia campaign in Milwaukee. The campaign is called Acceptance Journeys, and it features photographs and stories of members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community and their friends and family. Each story highlights how the friend or family member came to accept the LGBT person.
These photos and stories are printed on cards that are being distributed to United Way agencies and churches throughout Milwaukee to help start conversations about the importance of creating a supportive environment for people who identify as LGBT. Several people who are featured in Acceptance Journeys, including Milwaukee mayor Tom Barrett, shared their story in front of an audience of community members and leaders at the launch, held at Milwaukee City Hall. 
Mayor Barrett with Kofi from Diverse and Resilient looking on
The project is the result of a CDC Epi Aid investigation of increased HIV among young African American gay and bisexual men in Milwaukee that concluded that homophobia is a major contributor to the increased infection rates. A Community Readiness Assessment helped identify one-on-one conversations and a low intensity media campaign as the best approach to address homophobia, and focus groups conducted by UW Communications professor Shawnika Hull helped identify key themes to highlight in the stories. The second phase of the project, a low intensity media campaign, has subsequently been launched, with billboards and advertisements featuring the Acceptance Journey photos at transit stations throughout Milwaukee. I can’t think of a better way to spend National Coming Out Day! 
Shawnika Hull, Mari, and Anneke by some of the photos
 Kudos to Gary Hollander and Kofi Short of Diverse and Resilient Inc, a community based organization in Milwaukee that is coordinating the project and campaign.  

Site Profile: Walnut Way Conservation Corporation

The next time you are in Milwaukee, consider making a visit to the Walnut Way Conservation Corporation (WWCC). Here, former Fellow Jessie Tobin serves as Preceptor for current Fellow Tyler Weber as the two work with their colleagues and partners at the Lindsay Heights Neighborhood Health Alliance, of which WWCC is a partner. The Health Alliance includes community-based organizations, businesses, public agencies, and academic institutions; its aim is to reduce health disparities and create a deep and sustained culture of health and community sufficiency within the Lindsay Heights Neighborhood.

Even in early winter, lettuce is growing and the view of the neighborhood through Milwaukee's only peach orchard provides a hint of the fruits summer will bring.

Real change is happening here. Engagement and optimism is evident in the staff, the surrounding and the WWCC mission: "to sustain economically diverse and abundant communities through civic engagement, environmental stewardship, and creating venues for prosperity."

You are invited to visit WWCC and the Lindsay Heights Neighborhood. There are free WWCC public tours from 5:30 to 6:30 pm on:
December 6, 2011
January 3, 2012
February 7, 2012

Please contact Tyler Weber (tyler@walnutway.org) if you would like to schedule a WWCC tour for individuals or groups outside of those dates. Feel free to visit the WWCC website for more information: (http://www.walnutway.org/). Enjoy your visit!

Community Research Council

Hello Blog Readers,
My name is Tyler, and my endeavor as a Wisconsin Population Health Service Fellow just started in July 2011. The time I have in the fellowship is split between the City of Milwaukee Health Department (MHD) and the Lindsay Heights Neighborhood Health Alliance (LHNHA). My task in this post is to share with you a little bit about one of the projects I am currently working. Although I would love to share everything that is happening, I’m going to stay focused on how a majority of my time at the LHNHA is dedicated to the growth of the new Community Research Council (CRC).

The LHNHA’s mission is to, “reduce health disparities and create a deep and sustained culture of health and community sufficiency in our families and in our neighborhoods.” When the mission speaks of “our families and our neighborhoods,” it refers to the Lindsay Heights neighborhood that lives between Locust Street to Walnut Street and I-43 to 20th Street in North Milwaukee. Over the years there have been a number of research initiatives that have been put in place for the purpose of driving this mission forward, and now there is a decision making group within the neighborhood that will help ensure that these initiatives are developed and conducted in a manner that is both useful and meaningful, for the Lindsay Heights community residents.

The CRC is intended to be a decision making body within the Lindsay Heights community that can guide, inform, and direct ongoing and future research initiatives. Funding from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee's Cultures and Communities Program has allowed the CRC to get moving. Just having its first meeting in October 2011, the CRC launched with four members from the academic-research community and six residents within the Lindsay Heights Neighborhood. Some CRC members have research experience and some don’t. However, everyone does have a valuable life experience and are experts in their own right.

The first goal was achieved; bring a variety of people together from a variety of backgrounds, with a majority being from Lindsay Heights, to start discussions that engage in research. Now the next step is find a collective voice within CRC to create the synergy required of impactful research processes and outcomes for the Lindsay Heights neighborhood.

There are a number of directions that the CRC can take in order to inform and engage researchers and research initiatives. This could be in the form of required policies that researchers must follow or guidelines for implementation. It is important to note that the CRC is currently in the sharing stage of model included in this post. Consequently, no decisions have been made, but the wheels are turning and the CRC is in motion.

Fellow reviews book, "Deadly Choices: How the Anti- Vaccine Movement Threatens Us All"

Anti-Vaccine Movement Threatens Us All 
Paul Offit’s new book, Deadly Choices: How the Anti-Vaccine Movement Threatens Us All, is reviewed by Kristen Audet, a Population Health Service Fellow with a two year placement at Rural Wisconsin Health Cooperative
Paul Offit opens Deadly Choices with the assertion that Americans are engaged in a war. Indeed, Offit writes, “There’s a war going on out there–a quiet, deadly war.” But Offit’s work somewhat disproves this statement: the war is not quiet. Granted, one can choose to ignore the war, but for those with children, those who work in health care, and those who work in education, the war cannot be avoided and it should not be ignored. Daily, those individuals encounter The Issue: childhood vaccinations. Throughout his book, Offit demonstrates to his readers his subtitle: how the anti-vaccine movement threatens us all

Offit scientifically disproves the “science” behind the anti-vaccine movement. For Offit to do this is not difficult because for the most part, the scientific case had already been well made. Offit presents arguments put forth by the anti-vaccine movement and then demonstrates how all too often they are clearly disproven not only by scientific study, but through the legal process: the claims have not held up in court. Through his considerations of the various fronts of this “war,” Offit leaves his readers with some major lessons:

1. Don’t believe everything you read. This is something most of us learned from our parents early on, but it is especially pertinent in the vaccination debate. There is a lot of bad science out there, misleading intelligent people everyday. Anyone can put anything on the Internet nowadays. Just because an organization has a webpage does not mean it is credible. When doing research about vaccinations, it is important to consider the source and its credentials.

2. Don’t believe everything you hear or see. Television and media outlets are not the best source for vaccination information. Media can be a good starting point for information, but you should always talk to your doctor if you are unsure about what is best for you or your children. Further, while there can be mild side effects from vaccines, just because someone
you know experiences that does not mean that it will happen to you or your child, or that
those side effects are harmful. 

3. Trust: Offit’s final chapter is titled “Trust.” The concept of “trust” truly highlights both sides of his war, and illuminates the need for us as a community to trust in each other. He writes, If we are to get past the constant barrage of misinformation based on mistrust, we have to set aside our cynicism about those who test, license, recommend, produce, and promote vaccines. Only then will we survive this detour-a detour that has caused far too many children to suffer needlessly.

Reading Offit’s work is both sad and encouraging. Reading his work, I was saddened by the masses of parents swayed by bad science, and saddened by the masses of children, as Offit puts it, in the middle of this war. Offit ends his book that he opened with an assertion, with a plea: “Following the tragedy of September 11, 2001, there was a moment when we all stood still and looked at each other. No longer individuals, we were part of a whole. Personal  interests were irrelevant. We were united in our grief. One. Then the moment was gone, dissolved in a cloud of lawsuits, fingerpointing, partisanship, and blame. But although fleeting,
it had been there. And if we can recapture the feeling that we are all in this together, all part of a large immunological cooperative, the growing tragedy of children dying from preventable infections can be avoided. We can do this. It’s in us: the better angels of our nature.” It would do all of us well to step back and embrace our communal duty of protecting our nation’s youth.

Spanish social determinants of health researcher visits UW-Madison, Fellows

Rafa Cofino
In October, Rafa Cofiño, a Spanish primary care physician and public health practitioner from Asturias, Spain, came to the University of Wisconsin Madison to learn about what was going on at the UW Population Health Institute and to teach us a few things about social media along the way. In addition to trying his first fried cheese curds, Rafa got to meet Population Health Service Fellows, public health partners around Wisconsin, and UW staff and faculty, including those at the County Health Rankings and Roadmaps project (Rafa and colleagues have implemented a similar project in Asturias: http://www.obsaludasturias.com/obsa/). For those interested in graphic illustration of the multiple determinants of health, you might want to check out Rafa’s site: http://merops360.com.ar/Examples/VirtualTours/El_Centro_de_la_Salud/El_Centro_de_la_Salud.html

Policy and Public Health

Fellows and staff at the Wisconsin State Capitol
Fellows spent a day learning about the link between public health and policy. The meeting, organized by Emma Hynes and Katherine Vaughn-Jehring, included a mini-workshop on analyzing health-related legislation, a tour of the State Capitol building, a meet and greet with Wisconsin State Senator Fred Risser, and a meeting with Department of Health Services Executive Assistant Kevin Moore.

Women's Health in Wisconsin

A visual representation of the Wisconsin Healthiest Women Initiative's concept and goals
I have a wonderful dual placement for my fellowship. I split my time between the Maternal and Child Health Unit at the Department of Health Services and the WI Alliance for Women's Health. Though I just started my fellowship in July, I have been astounded by how much I've already learned and the many opportunities for project ownership that I've had thus far. There are two projects that I am particularly proud and excited to be working on. One project that I just finished for the WI Alliance for Women's Health is an analysis of how the 2011-2013 budget will impact women and girls. It was a fascinating to investigate how political priorities impact individual lives and to learn about how short-term fiscal savings can have detrimental impacts on public health and the long-term economy. The report will be released in the next month or so. 

Another project that I'm still working on is the Wisconsin Healthiest Women Initiative [WHWI]. The WHWI is working to improve the health of Wisconsin women by bringing together many of the organizations and individuals who work on women's health to coordinate a state-wide strategic plan for making these improvements. I've been taking on more and more responsibilities for the initiative as it evolves. I am currently planning an upcoming full-day strategic planning conference for about 90 individuals to continue to narrow down goals and recommendations for the focus areas we've picked. The initiative is a project that I really believe in and I'm excited to be playing such a valued role in it.

I learn new things every day! I am so grateful for the guidance that my preceptors give me and for the opportunities that keep coming my way. I'm excited to find out what's next!