Fellows review community-academic grants

photo credit: http://www.med.wisc.edu/wisconsin-partnership-program/main/499
Fellows Kelli Stader and Kat Grande were given the opportunity to serve as reviewers for the Wisconsin Partnership Program’s (WPP) Community-Academic Partnership Fund 2011 grant proposals. The WPP represents a far-reaching commitment by University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health to improve the health and well-being of Wisconsin residents through investments in research, education, prevention practices and interventions, and policy development. 
The Community-Academic Partnership grants support efforts by Wisconsin community-based organizations and government agencies working in tandem with an academic partner to improve the health of Wisconsin residents and advance the goals of the State Health Plan, Healthiest Wisconsin 2020. Kelli and Kat each reviewed two Development and two Implementation grant proposals. They will join fellow expert reviewers on December 1st for an in-person discussion of the proposal reviews and scoring. Serving as a grant reviewer is an excellent way to learn about the grant process, to become familiar with a funding agency, or to network with colleagues working in public health!

Improving Immunization Rates

photo credit: http://www.rwhc.com/Home.aspx
At Rural Wisconsin Health Cooperative, we just had our second regional Southern Wisconsin Immunization Consortium meeting. We have a lot of ideas and energy for reaching out to stakeholders and improving immunization rates of 0-2 year old children in Wisconsin! At the Division of Public Health in Public Health Preparedness, we are preparing templates and processes for analyzing data from each of the state’s 103 local public health agencies on their Public Health Preparedness Capabilities Assessment. We are hoping to present our project at the Wisconsin Public Health Association conference this year and the American Public Health Association conference next year.

Fellows present at American Public Health Association Conference

A handful of Fellows and staff attended and presented at the annual American Public Health Association (APHA) conference in Washington, D.C. The conference theme, "Healthy Communities Promote Health Minds and Bodies," fit well with the community-based focus of the Fellowship.
Fellows Kat and Paula at the annual APHA confernce
Fellow Anneke Mohr hosted a roundtable discussion on the topic of HIV in rural communities. Director Marion Ceraso and Preceptor Geof Swain supported Fellows Kat Grande and Paula Tran Inzeo in their presentation, "Crossing the Classroom-Practice Chasm: A Model Fellowship Program in Wisconsin," which featured video clips of Fellow alums Kate Konkel, Raisa Koltun, and first-year Tyler Weber [The presentation abstract is posted here]. Fellowship coordinator Lesley Wolf headed to the conference early for a public health institute workshop. Paula ended the conference with her presentation, "Creating a Sustainable Model for Health Departments to Use Health Impact Assessment for Effective Planning and Policy Development" [abstract can be read here]. 

Lesley, Kat, and Paula enjoy an evening in D.C.'s Chinatown
Video clips from presentation

Rural Health and Tribal Health

Fellows roadtripped north to Lac du Flambeau, Wisconsin, for the annual Tribal Health and Rural Health meeting. Kristin Hill, Director of the Great Lakes Inter-Tribal Epidemiology Center, provided an Indian Health Services overview, which detailed the Trust Responsibility to provide health care, an agreement between the federal government and tribes to provide healthcare for all American Indians. Despite this agreement, gloomy health statistics prevail in Indian Country. To better grasp how issues of historical trauma are embedded in the daily lives of Native people, we spent time talking with Center staff and discussing the films The Canary Effect and Lighting the 7th Fire.
Fellows and GLITE-C staff discuss the film "The Canary Effect"
The sad topics were punctuated with hopeful stories and experienced, however. Epidemiologist Isaiah Brokenleg and Wisconsin Native American Tobacco Network Director Teresa Barber showed the group their traditional tobacco garden, which is used for prayer and offerings to the earth. The pair also hosted a digital storytelling workshop, which has been a therapeutic and inspiring method for sharing stories about painful topics. 

Administrative Assistant Stacy Stone provided delicious homemade Indian tacos for the group. The group also took time to reflect on the meeting's themes by canoeing in beautiful Northwoods nature. We even saw two bald eagles!
Fellows and staff enjoy homemade Indian tacos
Mari, Katherine, and Paula canoe in the Northwoods
The following day, the Fellowship crew headed to Eagle River for a meeting with staff at the Vilas County Health Department. Here, we heard about the challenges and successes of working in a rural health setting.

Racism, Power, and Privilege

The Fellows discussed the deeply important issues of racism, power, and privilege's impact on public health. The day started with a session from representatives from The Office for Equity and Diversity. Discussions that followed centered on: 

Tyler and Paula, the meeting organizers, stop by Memorial Union's Terrace after an intense day of discussion.

Fellows Rashonda, Tyler, and Akbar enjoy UW-made ice cream.
Paula presents her CAL (Core Activity of Learning) for her project

Tim Size, BSE, MBA [Preceptor]

What is your role in the WI Population Health Fellowship program? 
This is my first time as a preceptor for the WI Population Health Fellowship program. I am very excited about the opportunity to work with Kristen Audet during her placement at the Rural Wisconsin Health Cooperative (RWHC). Together with rural public health directors, public schools, clinics and RWHC hospitals, we will be developing a consortium to improve low childhood immunization rates.

What inspired you to become involved with the Fellowship program? 
Several things came together: Marion Ceraso knew of my interest and offered Kristen and I the opportunity for the placement. I have enjoyed and personally benefited from prior experiences as a preceptor. The timing was ideal; the immunization project had just got to the point where it was ideal to have a Fellow available to help get it off the ground.

The Fellowship program is part of the University of Wisconsin’s Population Health Institute and I have had the pleasure of serving as a member of the Institute’s external advisory board since its beginning in 1994. In that capacity, I have long advocated for the Program to be broad in its vision for placements–to also include sites with a focus on rural health and with organizations that serve their communities but are not public health departments. Last but not least, I had the opportunity of participating in the Kellogg National Leadership Program in the late 1980s so I know first hand the value of fellowship programs.

What are a few highlights of your background in public health? 
I started in Wisconsin in the mid 1970’s as an Assistant “Superintendent” at the University of Wisconsin Hospital & Clinics. That led almost immediately to engagement with the broader public health community, and my first experience with collaboration. I was asked to serve (as I was new to Madison and “unaligned”) as the chair of the newly formed Dane County Chemical Dependencies Consortium. Then as now, the Consortium worked to better serve a complex array of health and human service needs in an area chronically under funded. Since then my career has always been based in hospitals but linked to community. In the late 1970’s, I left the UW to become the first director of RWHC and for over thirty years have worked as an advocate for rural health and a developer of shared services amongst rural hospitals.

What are your main areas of interest within public health?
I sometimes joke about being a rural “mercenary as I live in Madison and work from home and at our offices in Sauk City. I work for a board of rural hospital CEOs on issues related to the availability, access, quality and cost of rural health. As you might guess, over time, this constitutes a broad array of issues and opportunities.

If I have had a focus, it has been in trying to “connect the dots” from a systems perspective. That has led me to lots of opportunities to weigh in on behalf of a rural perspective with many state and national boards and commissions. Most notably I had the opportunity to serve two separate terms on the federal National Advisory Committee on Rural Health & Human Services as well as the Institute of Medicine’s Committee on the Future of Rural Health.

What is one project you are working on right now that you are really excited about?
In cooperation with Dean Health Plan (DHP) and Unity Health Insurance, Rural Wisconsin Health Cooperative (RWHC) staff identified a particular low childhood immunization rate for Dean and Unity enrollees in rural southern Wisconsin. A task force of RWHC members and the health plans vetted both the measures and numbers and found them to be credible.

The health plan data showed that the combined Childhood Immunization Status rate for children age two in urban Dane County was 81% and the average in the rural counties* studied was 63%. The average rural on-time immunization rate using county health department data showed similar results. These rates were measured using specifications outlined by the Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS). Rates in all counties were well below the 90th percentile–the frequently cited national Healthy People 2010 target.

The above data is unfortunately consistent with The Health of Wisconsin Report Card 2010 was released on March 23rd. Wisconsin’s grade for overall health is good compared to the other states in the nation—a “B-.” But Wisconsin receives a barely passing grade of D for its efforts to promote health for rural children and young adults.

RWHC asked primary care physicians, clinics, schools and public health departments for their assistance in identifying ideas to close the identified gap in childhood immunizations. The suggestion came back to from county public health directors to form a multi-county consortium to work together across the multiple sectors to achieve higher immunization rates, particular for children. The interim working title for this collaboration is the Southern Wisconsin Immunization Consortium (SWIC). Thirteen local immunization consortia exist in Wisconsin but only one of these consortia impacts a rural county in southern Wisconsin (Columbia). Advice will be sought from the Consortium in Columbia County as well as others nearby while the SWIC is in its formative stage.

Do you read a public health journal/blog/website regularly?
I am addicted to Google as it allows you to quickly look at an issue using multiple sources. I also am a fan of a two daily emails: Kaiser Health News and an instate subscription service, Wisconsin Health News, that also has a web presence at <http://wisconsinhealthnews.com/>. [Under full disclosure, I am on an informal advisory council for WHN.]

Do you have a public health role model/hero?
Dr. David Kindig, the founder of the UW Population Health Institute has long been a role model and hero. While an “emeritus” member of the UW faculty, he is still actively engaged as a national thought leader and moving the field of population health forward with help from a major grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. David thinks deeply and is not afraid to challenge conventional wisdom from the left or the right. Over several decades, he has been generous as a mentor, not a task for the faint of heart, both professionally and as a friend.

What is one public health-related activity in your community that you are proud about?
I am very proud that in Wisconsin, holes are beginning to be punched in both “medical” and “traditional” public health silos–that the two sectors are beginning to work more with each other.

What is one public health achievement you think will happen in the next 25 years? What is one you would like to see in the next 25 years?
I am at my roots an optimistic, so I would give the same answer to both questions. I believe we will continue to make significant progress in aligning our individual and collective investments with what we know most affects our individual and collective health.

Nicole Angresano, MPH [Preceptor]

 Nicole is the Vice President of Community Impact for United Way of Greater Milwaukee. She oversees more than 160 United Way-funded health and human service programs, as well as leading United Way’s community-wide teen pregnancy prevention efforts aimed at reducing Milwaukee’s rate of births to teens by 46% by 2015–an issue that has been a focus for her since completing a graduate school thesis on the topic. Nicole received the 2010 Special Achievement of a Public Health Partnership from WPHA for her role in addressing Milwaukee’s teen pregnancy crisis.

Nicole has a Master’s in Public Health from the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, concentrating on adolescent health and her personal public health heroes are Dr. Geof Swain and his team at the Milwaukee Health Department.

Born in New Jersey, Nicole spent her earlier years in rural Virginia. Today, she is a resident of Brown Deer where she lives with her husband, Josh, and their four-year-old son, Lucas. Both Yankees fans since birth, Nicole and Josh are embracing life in Milwaukee and raising their son to love the Brewers.

Mari Gasiorowicz, M.A [Preceptor]

I’m an Epidemiologist in the Wisconsin Division of Public Health, AIDS/HIV Program. I joined DPH in 1994, initially as coordinator of the statewide HIV prevention community planning process, then as HIV prevention evaluation coordinator, and have focused on epidemiology in the last few years.

My greatest work interest is in triangulating multiple data sources and presenting the data in meaningful ways that lead to action. One of the AIDS/HIV Program’s biggest areas of emphasis in the last few years has been on addressing HIV in young African American MSM in Milwaukee County. HIV incidence and prevalence are both very high in this population. The DPH AIDS/HIV Program and City of Milwaukee Health Department invited Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to conduct an investigation in 2009. Since then, we have been working with community partners to mount a response to this situation. It is exciting to see both the level of community engagement and the amount of funding that the planning process has leveraged.

We have conducted other investigations regarding clusters of Hepatitis C and HIV in various parts of the state. I appreciate the opportunity to work with hard-working local health department staff and others who have so many different health priorities on their plates. Here our challenges are to define the cluster and then to design prevention messages that reach the population without stigmatizing those affected, especially in rural communities.

Another interest of mine is analyzing and presenting data in ways that highlight critical health disparities, including for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) populations. We saw in the Healthiest Wisconsin 2020 planning process the impact that the data had on elevating the goal of reducing health disparities for racial/ethnic minorities, people of lower socio-economic status, and LGBT youth and adults.

I have lived in East Africa twice. The first time was as a Peace Corps Volunteer teaching secondary school French in the 1980s. From 2006-2008, my family and I lived in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. I worked on monitoring and evaluation efforts under the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). My favorite part of that job was helping young, smart, eager Government of Tanzania M&E specialists to develop their M&E capacity. The main reason for taking this position was to afford my kids (now teenagers) the opportunity to live in a developing country. It’s my hope that when they turn on the shower now that they think, “Wow, we have water today!”

This is my first year as a Population Health Institute Preceptor. I enjoy the process of guiding people in challenging and fulfilling opportunities to contribute to our important work in public health. My advice? If you’re in grad school in public health and are interested in data analysis, get some SAS and GIS classes under your belt. Our work is increasingly demanding these skills.

Sara Finger [Preceptor]

Since June of 2004, Sara has been leading the effort to develop a new organizational coalition to unite, coordinate and amplify the voices of women's health supporters in Wisconsin. The Wisconsin Alliance for Women's Health is dedicated to advancing comprehensive women’s health in Wisconsin by engaging, educating, empowering and mobilizing individuals and organizations. Prior to assuming this role, Sara was the Northeast Director of Membership and Professional Relations for the Wisconsin Medical Society. She received her undergraduate degree in Political Science from the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire. She was a 2009 Mid-America Public Health Leadership Institute Fellow and currently serves as a Steering Commttee member of the Wisconsin Covering Kids & Families and board member of the Wellness Center for Door County. In 2010, Sara received a Champion of Women's Health Award from the Wisconsin Women's Health Foundation. In 2011, she was recognized by the Wisconsin Coalition Against Sexual Assault with a Voices of Courage Award.

Millie Jones, MPH [Preceptor]

Millie Jones is employed by the Department of Health Services where she  currently serves as the Family Health Clinical Consultant in the Family Health Section, Bureau of Community Health Promotion. Millie has experience in management and program positions in the Division of Public Health for over 20 years. Millie is currently committed to the life span approach for women and is interested in improving the health promotion messages targeted to women 15-44 years of age. Millie is a graduate of Wake Forest University, Wake Forest Medical School Physician Assistant Program and the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill School of Public Health.

Lesley Wolf [Program Coordinator]

What is your role in the WI Population Health Fellowship program?
Program Coordinator

What are a few highlights of your background in public health?
Prior to joining the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute, I served as the Sales Manager for Homegrown Wisconsin Cooperative. I supported Wisconsin organic vegetable growers as a liaison to chefs in Chicago, Milwaukee and Madison and worked with communities to develop localized food systems.

What are your main areas of interest within public health?
Food systems, intersection of public health, nutrition and agricultural policy, urban and rural planning.

Heroes/person you have met?
As far as heroes, from the moment I met Ken Dunn, the founder and director of City Farm in Chicago, I knew what I wanted to be when I grew up. I took a tour of City Farm when I was first working for Home Grown and I was blown away, an urban farm in the middle of the city of Chicago! City Farm sits on a vacant lot flanked by Cabrini-Green on one side and the Gold Coast neighborhood on the other. City Farm not only grows amazing produce but they also serve as a training/learning facility for replicating the urban farm model. They set the bar high for urban planning, including a comprehensive, city wide recycling program that includes food scraps for compost and kitchen oil for bio fuels.

Do you have any advice for those interested in the Fellowship?
Apply! This is such a unique opportunity to find and define your public health role.

Which  public health journal/blog/websites do you read regularly?

What is one public health achievement you think will happen in the next 25 years? What is one you would like to see in the next 25 years?
We will achieve a healthier, more just and environmentally sustainable food and farming system.

Welcome 2011-2013 Wisconsin Population Health Service Fellows!

On July 1, six new Wisconsin Population Health Service Fellows – Kristen Audet, Akbar Husain, Emma Hynes, Rashonda Jones, Anneke Mohr and Tyler Weber arrived in Wisconsin, rolled up their sleeves, and got to work.  As part of their orientation to the program, new Fellows joined continuing Fellows Katarina Grande, Kelli Stader, Paula Tran Inzeo and Katherine Vaughn-Jehring in a day of service, landscaping a recently completed home for Habitat for Humanity.  
New Fellows will be providing research, program and policy support to organizations working to improve health in communities across Wisconsin.  This year’s placement organizations are in Eau Claire, Lac du Flambeau, Madison, Milwaukee and Sauk City. 

Over the coming months, Kat - our Fellowship blogger - and the rest of the Fellows will keep us updated on the important public health work they are engaged in with partners across the state.

For now, here’s a small sample:

Kristen Audet (placed in the Wisconsin Public Health Preparedness Program at the Division of Public Health and the Rural Wisconsin Health Cooperative) is conducting research to address disparities in childhood immunization rates between rural and urban communities; Katarina (Kat) Grande (placed in the Milwaukee Health Department and the Center for Urban Population Health) is working with the Milwaukee Consortium for Hmong Health’s community health worker program to encourage breast and cervical cancer screening for Hmong women; Akbar Husain (placed in the Western Regional Office of the Division of Public Health in Eau Claire) is providing capacity building for community health improvement in communities in the western region; Emma Hynes (placed in the Maternal and Child Health Program at the Division of Public Health and the Wisconsin Alliance for Women’s Health) is engaging community partners to improve health and reduce health disparities through the Wisconsin Healthiest Women Initiative; Rashonda Jones (placed at the Milwaukee Health Department and the United Way of Greater Milwaukee) will provide project leadership to United Way of Greater Milwaukee’s Healthy Births Initiative;  Anneke Mohr (placed at the AIDS/HIV Program in the Division of Public Health and at the Great Lakes Inter-tribal Epidemiology Center in Lac du Flambeau) is developing a protocol to improve access to medication in cases of non-occupational exposure to HIV/AIDS; Kelli Stader (placed with the Southern Regional Office of the Division of Public Health) is coordinating a division-wide self-assessment process in the Division of Public Health to prepare for national public health accreditation; Paula Tran Inzeo (placed in the Division of Public Health and the Wisconsin Center for Health Equity) is working on a grant to build the capacity of local health departments to include health perspectives in decision-making processes (Health Impact Assessment) and is generally focused on projects related to health inequities, social determinants of health and public health policy; Katherine Vaughn-Jehring (placed with the Division of Public Health and the Allied Wellness Center) is working with a statewide team to implement Wisconsin’s state health plan, Healthiest Wisconsin 2020; Tyler Weber (placed with the Milwaukee Health Department and the Lindsay Heights Neighborhood Health Alliance) is working on increasing access to health resources for families in North Milwaukee neighborhoods through community collaborations.


Emma Hynes

 When did you begin your Fellowship?
July 1st, 2011

Where is your Fellowship?
I split my time between the Department of Health Services - Maternal & Child Health Unit and the Wisconsin Alliance for Women's Health. 
What were you up to prior to your Fellowship?
Prior to my fellowship, I finished a Masters in Public Health and Masters in Public Affairs at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and then I took a year off and taught yoga while living abroad in Costa Rica and Nicaragua. I ate mangoes and spent lots of time practicing and teaching yoga. It was fantastic!

What inspired you to take the Fellowship route rather than a different type of job/school/etc.?
I wanted the opportunity to learn about a lot of different parts of the public health system. My current position allows me to discover the strengths and weaknesses of both the state and non-profit efforts happening in public health in the state. I couldn't have asked for a more interesting position or a bigger challenge. 

What are your main areas of interest within public health?
I'm interested in the social determinants of health especially as it relates to women, health disparities and chronic disease. 

What is one thing (or many!) you are working on right now in your fellowship? Please describe.
I am currently working on the leadership committee for the Wisconsin Healthiest Women Initiative. It is just getting off the ground but it is a fascinating project that aims to bring together organizations and community stakeholders in the state to determine how we can collectively improve the health of women in order to improve birth outcomes and reduce health disparities. In addition to the Healthiest Women Initiative I spend a lot of my time right now working on an analysis of the 2011-2013 budget and its effect on women and girls. 

Do you read a public health journal/blog/website regularly? If so, what?
Though I find it helpful to read many different sites regularly, I read the Kaiser Family Foundation updates daily. It gives me a good dose of what's happening at the national level and I learn about a lot of the most recent health reports and policy updates. 

Do you have a public health role model/hero? If so, describe.
I have countless public health role models and heroes. And I'm lucky enough to work with many of them. To go even broader though, I once read that Paul Farmer said that the way to end AIDS in Haiti was to give women jobs. When I read that quote (or something close to that) many years ago, something clicked in my brain that hadn't been there before. In a much clearer way than I ever had, I suddenly started to see the connection between socio-economic conditions and health status. So in some way, Paul Farmer is a role-model for me. But so are all of the incredible people that come to work in obscurity every day in order to make small but important improvements in the lives of others. The work relentlessly on our behalf and I'm constantly grateful.

What is one you would like to see in the next 25 years?
There are two public health achievements I would like to see happen in the next 25 years. I think it will be our generation's responsibility to change the current paradigm around both mental health and end-of-life care. I would like to see mental health spoken about, screened for, covered by providers and insurers and for people to not suffer from discrimination due to mental health. Similarly, I would like to see end-of-life care and death to be spoken about earlier and more openly. I would like it to be considered a natural part of life rather than a symptom to be cured or an unacceptable failure in the health care system. It's an issue we'll some day have to face as a culture due to our escalating health care costs.   

Anneke Mohr

When did you begin your Fellowship?
July 2011

Where is your Fellowship?
My primary placement is with the AIDS/HIV Program at the Department of Health Services, and my secondary placement is with the Great Lakes Inter-Tribal Epidemiology Center in Lac du Flambeau.

What were you up to prior to your Fellowship?
I spent the past three years completing my Master of Social Work and Master of Public Health at Washington University in St Louis.  Prior to that I was an HIV case manager in Washington, DC and an HIV educator with the Peace Corps in Swaziland.  

What inspired you to take the Fellowship route rather than a different type of job/school/etc.?
I’m originally from Wisconsin, so this was an excellent opportunity to come back.  I’m interested in learning more about state government and tribal health and wanted to hone some of the skills I learned in my MPH program.  Through the fellowship I am able to get involved in a variety of projects, see policy in action, and learn from the best in the field.  

What are your main areas of interest within public health?
I’m most interested in HIV, tobacco control policy, physical activity, health equity, and social determinants of health.  My final project for my MPH looked at smoking cessation for people living with HIV.   Over the past year I’ve become more interested in environmental health.

What is one thing (or many!) you are working on right now in your fellowship?
I’m currently wrapping up an environmental health assessment of existing resources, needs, and priorities of the 34 Tribes in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan for Great Lakes Inter-Tribal Epidemiology Center (GLITEC) and am putting the finishing touches on a report of the Youth Risk Behavior Survey and health behaviors of lesbian, gay, and bisexual Wisconsin youth.  I continue to work on an evaluation of a social marketing campaign addressing anti-gay stigma in Milwaukee called Acceptance Journeys and with a community engagement group addressing childhood obesity at the Menominee Nation.  Over the next year I will do some work related to community health assessments for Tribes and local health departments.

What is one public health achievement you think will happen in the next 25 years? What is one you would like to see in the next 25 years?
In the next 25 years, I (and the CDC) think that all states (and Tribes!) could have comprehensive smoke-free policies so that no one is involuntarily exposed to secondhand commercial tobacco smoke.  I would love to see Complete Streets (streets that accommodate bikes, pedestrians, and wheelchairs) in every city so that active living becomes the norm and would love to see a Gay-Straight Alliance in every school so that LGBT youth can feel safe and supported.   

Kristen Audet

 When did you begin your Fellowship?
August, 2011

Where is your Fellowship?
Dual placement at the Division of Public Health-Preparedness and the Rural Wisconsin Health Cooperative.

What were you up to prior to your Fellowship?
I was finishing up my JD /MPH at the University of Iowa by doing a practicum in tobacco control at the local public health department. I also spent evenings and weekends this summer working at a local bicycle shop, which was great.

What are your main areas of interest within public health?
Prevention, environmental health, and policy.

Who is one of the coolest public health people you've met?
All of my co-fellows! I spent the majority of orientation just being amazed at the experiences they’d had, the intellectual curiosity they harbored, and the friendliness they exuded!
What is one public health-related activity in your community that you are proud about?
Though I am new to Madison, I am really impressed at the city’s encouragement of walking, bicycling, and public transportation. It really eliminates the need for a car.
What is one public health achievement you think will happen in the next 25 years? What is one you would like to see in the next 25 years?
What do I think will happen? I am hopeful that we are going to see a decrease in tobacco use as the current generation ages. Working with youth during my practicum I got to see how engaged and excited the current generation of high school students is about promoting health among themselves and their peers.