Kristen Audet

 When did you begin your Fellowship?
August, 2011

Where is your Fellowship?
Dual placement at the Division of Public Health-Preparedness and the Rural Wisconsin Health Cooperative.

What were you up to prior to your Fellowship?
I was finishing up my JD /MPH at the University of Iowa by doing a practicum in tobacco control at the local public health department. I also spent evenings and weekends this summer working at a local bicycle shop, which was great.

What are your main areas of interest within public health?
Prevention, environmental health, and policy.

Who is one of the coolest public health people you've met?
All of my co-fellows! I spent the majority of orientation just being amazed at the experiences they’d had, the intellectual curiosity they harbored, and the friendliness they exuded!
What is one public health-related activity in your community that you are proud about?
Though I am new to Madison, I am really impressed at the city’s encouragement of walking, bicycling, and public transportation. It really eliminates the need for a car.
What is one public health achievement you think will happen in the next 25 years? What is one you would like to see in the next 25 years?
What do I think will happen? I am hopeful that we are going to see a decrease in tobacco use as the current generation ages. Working with youth during my practicum I got to see how engaged and excited the current generation of high school students is about promoting health among themselves and their peers.