Welcome 2011-2013 Wisconsin Population Health Service Fellows!

On July 1, six new Wisconsin Population Health Service Fellows – Kristen Audet, Akbar Husain, Emma Hynes, Rashonda Jones, Anneke Mohr and Tyler Weber arrived in Wisconsin, rolled up their sleeves, and got to work.  As part of their orientation to the program, new Fellows joined continuing Fellows Katarina Grande, Kelli Stader, Paula Tran Inzeo and Katherine Vaughn-Jehring in a day of service, landscaping a recently completed home for Habitat for Humanity.  
New Fellows will be providing research, program and policy support to organizations working to improve health in communities across Wisconsin.  This year’s placement organizations are in Eau Claire, Lac du Flambeau, Madison, Milwaukee and Sauk City. 

Over the coming months, Kat - our Fellowship blogger - and the rest of the Fellows will keep us updated on the important public health work they are engaged in with partners across the state.

For now, here’s a small sample:

Kristen Audet (placed in the Wisconsin Public Health Preparedness Program at the Division of Public Health and the Rural Wisconsin Health Cooperative) is conducting research to address disparities in childhood immunization rates between rural and urban communities; Katarina (Kat) Grande (placed in the Milwaukee Health Department and the Center for Urban Population Health) is working with the Milwaukee Consortium for Hmong Health’s community health worker program to encourage breast and cervical cancer screening for Hmong women; Akbar Husain (placed in the Western Regional Office of the Division of Public Health in Eau Claire) is providing capacity building for community health improvement in communities in the western region; Emma Hynes (placed in the Maternal and Child Health Program at the Division of Public Health and the Wisconsin Alliance for Women’s Health) is engaging community partners to improve health and reduce health disparities through the Wisconsin Healthiest Women Initiative; Rashonda Jones (placed at the Milwaukee Health Department and the United Way of Greater Milwaukee) will provide project leadership to United Way of Greater Milwaukee’s Healthy Births Initiative;  Anneke Mohr (placed at the AIDS/HIV Program in the Division of Public Health and at the Great Lakes Inter-tribal Epidemiology Center in Lac du Flambeau) is developing a protocol to improve access to medication in cases of non-occupational exposure to HIV/AIDS; Kelli Stader (placed with the Southern Regional Office of the Division of Public Health) is coordinating a division-wide self-assessment process in the Division of Public Health to prepare for national public health accreditation; Paula Tran Inzeo (placed in the Division of Public Health and the Wisconsin Center for Health Equity) is working on a grant to build the capacity of local health departments to include health perspectives in decision-making processes (Health Impact Assessment) and is generally focused on projects related to health inequities, social determinants of health and public health policy; Katherine Vaughn-Jehring (placed with the Division of Public Health and the Allied Wellness Center) is working with a statewide team to implement Wisconsin’s state health plan, Healthiest Wisconsin 2020; Tyler Weber (placed with the Milwaukee Health Department and the Lindsay Heights Neighborhood Health Alliance) is working on increasing access to health resources for families in North Milwaukee neighborhoods through community collaborations.