Chuck Warzecha, MS [Preceptor]

Chuck Warzecha is the Director of the Bureau of Environmental and Occupational Health in the Division of Public Health.  Chuck has been with the Bureau in a variety of roles since 1992.  The bureau receives funding from most major environmental health programs at CDC as well as several EPA, NIOSH and HUD grants.  The bureau is also responsible for the licensing and inspection of restaurants, hotels, campgrounds, swimming pools, body art, X-ray and mammography devices, radioactive materials, and lead and asbestos abatement contractors.  The bureau also has a significant emergency preparedness and response component for responding to radiologic, chemical and natural disaster events.  Chuck is a Wisconsin Registered Sanitarian and received his Masters degree from the Water Resources Management Program at the University of Wisconsin in Human Health and Environmental Risk Assessment.  Chuck is currently co-chair of the ASTHO Climate Change Collaborative and represents the State Environmental Health Directors on that group.  Chuck enjoys outdoor activities during all Wisconsin seasons.  He has a very understanding wife, four children, and a black lab who truly understands him.