Quality Improvement Training

Fellow Katherine Vaughn-Jehring works on a QI exercise
Fellows gathered in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, for a day-long training on Quality Improvement. Led by Fellow alumna Kate Konkle, the group learned numerous techniques for improving processes. 

Fellow alumna Kate Konkle trains the group on Interrelationship Digraphs--a Quality Improvement tool
Kate taught the group the Plan-Do-Study-Act Quality Improvement model. We learned how to write an Aim Statement, which succinctly describes "what the team hopes to accomplish with its QI efforts," (see p.29 of the excellent resource guiding our learning session: http://www.accreditation.localhealth.net/QI%20Resources.html). Kate then lead us through a process mapping exercise and a root causes analysis (see photo above). Lastly, we developed process indicators. Rather than using theoretical examples to walk us through the process, we used existing processes in the Fellowship. As a result, we're already striving to improve processes related to information and idea-sharing. (Check out the blog for updates on this soon!) Kate proved to be an amazingly effective trainer and we all had a learning-filled day.

The group opted to stay overnight in Eau Claire, as we had a monthly Fellowship meeting the next day. We cooked, laughed, and enjoyed spending time together!
Near Eau Claire, WI, Fellows and staff spend time bonding
Fellow Paula Tran Inzeo prepares spring rolls, under the guidance of head chef Lesley Wolf
Fellows Akbar and Tyler entertain the group with guitar music