Partnerships and Placements
In partnership with the Wisconsin Department of Health Services and the City of Milwaukee Health Department, the program provides placements within these two academic health departments, in addition to placements with regional health departments and community organizations. Many Fellows have dual placements with governmental and community based non-profit organizations. Community placement sites have included organizations such as:
American Cancer Society
Centro Hispano
Impact Planning Council
Lindsay Heights Neighborhood Health Alliance
Task Force on Family Violence
Wisconsin Alliance for Women’s Health
Fellows can gain experience in urban and/or rural, as well as in governmental and/or non-profit organizations. Placements are for two years and are based on the interests and needs of Fellows and agencies.
Examples of placement projects include:
Assisting the Office of the Secretary of the Department of Health Services in conducting policy analysis for state health care reform initiatives.
Providing research support and surveillance database development for the Menominee Tribal Health Center.
Getting hands-on experience in program management and delivery for infant mortality prevention; infectious disease prevention and treatment; addressing domestic violence and sexual assault, and other major programs of the largest urban health department in Wisconsin.
Evaluating a quality-based health care purchasing program in the largest health-purchasing cooperative in the state; developing quality improvement initiatives of area health care providers.
Developing real-world experience in health data assessment, evaluation, and implementation of population-based policies for a multi-county rural health program.
Conducting background research and developing recommendations to inform the passage of statewide public health legislation.