How are you involved in the Fellowship?
I hold a student help position within the Fellowship. I work with Stephanie, Lesley, Marion, and Shor and assist with whatever tasks they need completed in the office ranging from preparing materials for Site Visits to organizing notes, etc.
What's your educational background?
I am currently a sophomore here at University of Wisconsin-Madison. My major is International Studies and I am also pursuing a certificate in Middle East Studies.
What are your long-term plans, in terms of your career?
I think human connection is key to making a difference. I would love to live abroad for some time after graduation to live and learn about different cultures. The area I am most interested in policy between the United States and the Middle East. Career wise I want to discover methods through which the United States and Middle Eastern governments can implement better policies to alleviate tension and human rights violations in that region of the world and teach how gaining appreciation for other cultures can lead to more effective policy making.
What are your favorite things about living in Madison?
Being raised in Madison, I've gotten to experience much that this city has to offer. My favorite thing about Madison is going to the Memorial Union on a summer evening with friends and dancing to the many different bands they have performing during the summer season. I also love the fact that Madison has many parks and paths throughout the city so that you can stay active outside all seasons of the year.
What do you like to do for fun?
In my free time I am a choreographer for the Madison
Metropolitan School District for Madison East High School's Show Choir. I love
being able to dance and share that passion with younger students at my Alma
Mater. I love traveling, working out and spending time with my family here in