2nd Year Fellow Interview: Stephanie Kroll

Stephanie Kroll, MPH

Population Health Service Fellow, 2014-2016

Fellowship placements: Wisconsin Division of Public Health, Maternal and Child Health Program and Public Health Madison & Dane County

Madison, WI

What projects are you currently working on?  
I am working on many projects!  My main projects currently are: 1) a needs assessment around sexual and reproductive health in Dane County; 2) co-facilitating a Collaborative Improvement and Innovation Network (CoIIN) to reduce infant mortality in Wisconsin, focusing on criminal justice reform and tax credits; and 3) a process evaluation of the Perinatal Nurse Home Visiting program at Public Health Madison & Dane County.

Why did you decide to pursue a career in public health?  
I wanted to work on prevention and upstream indicators for health.  It just makes so much sense to focus there!  After I took my first public health class, there was no going back.

What made you decide to join the fellowship program as opposed to other career or educational options?  
I thought it was a great opportunity to explore different avenues of public health and to grow my list of skills and experiences. 

What has been your favorite part of the fellowship?  
Meeting so many awesome people working in public health!

What is one of the most important things you have learned over the course of your fellowship so far? 
If you feel uncomfortable, it means you will learn a ton!  Take risks!

What’s your favorite restaurant in Madison?  
Brasserie V!!