Morgen Alexander-Young was a Population Health Service
Fellow from 2006 through 2008, placed at the City of Milwaukee Health
Department. Prior to the Fellowship, she received a degree in Government from
Smith College and an MPH in Health Behavior and Health Education from the University
of Michigan. She became certified in Public Health through the National Board
of Public Health Examiners in 2008 and also completed the Clinical Trial
Management and Regulatory Compliance certificate program through the University
of Chicago Graham School in 2011.
Morgen is currently the Associate Director for Protocol
Operations for the Alliance for Clinical Trials in Oncology, a part of the National
Cancer Institute’s National Clinical Trials Network. In this position, she
leads a team that develops cancer clinical trials and implements these trials
in a nationwide network of community and academic cancer centers. Morgen is
proud to have worked with University of Chicago researchers on an article published
in the Journal of Pediatrics on the topic of health disparities in children’s health.
She is also lucky to have worked with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and
University of Chicago researchers to administer research grants for health
disparities research in chronic disease care all over the country. Since
completing the Fellowship, Morgen has also become a mother to two boys who are
now 4 years old and 1 year old.
Morgen shared that the Fellowship program gave her
confidence in her ability to lead and complete projects to help answer very
important public health questions. The respect given to her by her mentors
demonstrated that she had valuable skills and experience to contribute. Morgen’s words of wisdom for prospective Fellows: “The
experience of a Fellowship is a once in a career opportunity to jump on. There
may not be many other opportunities in your career when you will be paid to
learn, explore, make mistakes, and focus on what you love to do (or figure out
what it is that you love to do). I loved the mix of no-pressure academic
learning coupled with professional exploration.” As for current Fellows, Morgen
explains, “The professional network of connections that you are currently building
is immensely valuable. If you are considering where to go next, staying in
Wisconsin and in the area you are working is an important consideration, as
you’ve had a jump start in building crucial professional connections.”