Faye Dodge, RN, BSN, CDE [Preceptor]

Faye Dodge is the director of Community Health Nursing Services (CHNS) at the Menominee Tribal Clinic and preceptor for Lauren Lamers.  As CHNS director, she oversees health education, prevention, and intervention initiatives for HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted infections, diabetes, communicable diseases, injury, safe sleep, tobacco cessation, teen pregnancy, and women’s health.  The department also provides skilled nursing home visits, school immunizations, and child health screenings. Additionally, CHNS assists the recently merged Shawano-Menominee Counties Health Department by providing surveillance, investigation, prevention, and control of communicable diseases; immunizations; neonatal at-risk infant referrals and visits; and public health education and prevention in Menominee County.

Faye completed her Bachelor of Science degree in nursing at UW Madison in 1990.  She worked as a nurse for two years at St. Michael’s Hospital in Stevens Point before returning to the Menominee Indian Reservation, where she served as a community health nurse at the Menominee Tribal Clinic for ten years before taking the position of Community Health Nursing Services director.  She is also a Certified Diabetes Educator and an HIV test counselor. 

Faye is actively involved with the Menominee Community Engagement Workgroup, a coalition of stakeholders from various sectors of the Menominee Tribe and Menominee County that seeks to improve health on the Menominee Indian Reservation.  As part of this work, she is involved with numerous committees that address issues of poverty, health disparities, and historical trauma.
Faye has resided on the Menominee Indian Reservation on and off for over thirty years and currently lives on the reservation with her husband.  Her children and stepchildren are enrolled or descendants of the Menominee, Stockbridge, Oneida, and Prairie Band Potawatomi Tribes.