Gary Hollander, preceptor
for Mallory Edgar, is the founding President and CEO of Diverse
and Resilient, Wisconsin’s largest LGBT organization. Gary supports a staff
of 20 as they provide important disease prevention and health promotion
services throughout the state. Agency services focus on known health
disparities in sexual health, substance use, mental health and suicide, and
community and partner violence. Gary has received numerous awards including the
state’s public health award and the public health educator award. Diverse and
Resilient is Wisconsin’s only directly funded CDC HIV prevention program,
providing over 900 HIV tests each year and reaching more than 700 young African
American gay and bisexual men in their prevention programs.
Gary is a licensed psychologist with
extensive experience in individual and group psychotherapy, diagnostics,
community psychology, health psychology, and organizational change. In 2013,
after 30 years with his partner, Paul Mandracchia, they were married at their
Milwaukee home, as he puts it: “Legally in a state that has an illegal
constitutional amendment.” They are avid gardeners and keen admirers of Jack
Russell Terriers, including their own, Dexter.
Born in
Milwaukee, Gary has spent his life here with periodic forays to the Carolinas
and New Mexico. He also teaches a course each semester at UWM and keeps a small
consulting practice, mostly in Chicago.