Fellows and Fellow alums attended, presented, and led the 2012 Wisconsin Public Health Association Conference. The event, held at the Kalahari Resort in the Wisconsin Dells, gave us a chance to share our research and initiatives, hold trainings, and learn about public health across the state. Here's an overview of our involvement:
Paula Tran Inzeo is the WPHA Secretary and leads the WPHA Health Impact Assessment Committee. She also conducted a Pre-Conference Session: Health
Impact Assessment: From Start to Finish; presented a Panel
Presentation: The Wisconsin Health Impact
Assessment Collaborative: Promoting Healthy Community Design Through Diverse
Partnership, and presented a Poster: Health Impact Assessment of Treatment Alternatives to
Incarceration in Wisconsin.
Emma Hynes co-chairs the WPHA Maternal and Child Health Committee. During the conference, Emma led a section meeting at the conference to
do strategic planning for the section. She also presented a poster about
the Wisconsin Healthiest Women Initiative.
Fellow Emma Hynes' poster for the WPHA conference: "The Wisconsin Healthiest Women Initiative: A Collaborative Effort to Improve Women's Health Across the Life-Course" |
Anneke Mohr presented a poster on Acceptance Journeys
Kristen Audet presented a poster on the Southern Wisconsin Immunization Consortium.
Current Fellow Kat Grande and past Fellow Marisa Stanley co-presented a talk entitled, "The Changing Face of Hepatitis C in Wisconsin and Network Diagramming as a Tool for Public Health Partnerships, Evaluations, and Investigations."
Kat's WPHA presentation [soon to become available in webinar format!] |
Kelli Stader helped create a poster about the Wisconsin Public Health Improvement Initiative
and its focus on accreditation and another poster about the accreditation
process with the Institute for Wisconsin's Health, Inc.
Fellows Tyler Weber and Katherine Vaughn-Jehring co-presented a poster about the acclaimed Wisconsin Population Health Service Fellowship.
Fellow alum Raisa Koltun, Chair of Policy Development Committee, briefed conference attendees about the 2011 WPHA Policy Resolutions.
Fellow alum Kate Konkle leads the Early Career Professionals Committee and hosted a networking dinner alongside the Health Impact Assessment Section.
Fellow Akbar Husain moderated the discussion “The Road to
Accreditation in Wisconsin – Three Early Travelers.” This presented an opportunity for
local and tribal health departments interested in applying for accreditation to
ask questions of representatives from three departments that have submitted their
applications. In addition, Akbar played giant connect four in the Kalahari arcade and spent a considerable
amount of time in the lazy river.
Fellows Tyler, Akbar, and Paula relax after a day of conferencing |