Fellows and faculty prepare for a tour of the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District facility |
On World Water Day 2011, Fellows and faculty celebrated appropriately by spending the monthly meeting focusing on the connections between water and public health. The day began with a discussion with the Communications Manager at the Milwaukee wastewater treatment plant.
We learned:
- How wastewater is cleaned
- How wastewater byproducts are transformed into Milorganite, a fertilizer
- How combined sewer overflows happen
- Details on Milwaukee's Deep Tunnel, which can store over 400 million gallons of water during times of heavy rain
- About the challenges of treating stormwater
Joyce Harms, MMSD's Communications and Community Relations Manager, describes the current water storage volumes of the plant's systems |
This machine drains water from material that will become Milorganite |
Exploring the Milorganite heating chambers |
Aeration tanks |
Clarifiers |
Research vessel at the Great Lakes WATER Institute |
Geof Swain and Jim Vergeront at the rainy Great Lakes WATER Institute |