When did you begin your Fellowship?
July 2010
Where is your Fellowship?
Office of Policy and Practice Alignment at the WI Department of Health Services & Allied Wellness Center [see description of Center below!]
The Allied Wellness Cooperative:
The Allied Wellness Co-op’s vision is that all people have access to holistic wellness: healthy minds, bodies, spirits, families, communities, and access to money and education.
The Co-op is a changing and open place, owned and run by the people where everyone is excited about what is going on and they find ways to share their talents. A place where basic needs are met so dreams and goals can be found. Residents from the Allied and Dunn’s Marsh neighborhood want to build a place where they can work together to strengthen people, families and the community. The Allied Wellness Co-op is a way to promote individual and community development.
A cooperative is a member-owned and run organization that benefits all its members. People, businesses and organizations can join and work together to build:
1. Job training and support that works for everyone
2. Community programs for and by members
3. A support and development center for everyone
What were you up to prior to your Fellowship?
Master in Public Health and Master in Public Affairs degrees from University of Wisconsin - Madison. Worked for Gilda's Club Madison and then the Wisconsin Comprehensive Cancer Control Program throughout grad school.
What inspired you to take the Fellowship route rather than a different type of job/school/etc.?
-Opportunity to better understand the many different aspects of public health work. -Diversity of work, opportunity to work with leaders in public health.
-Ability to work in areas where I had an interest. Placement at two sites is exciting and great for me.
What are your main areas of interest within public health?
-Partnership Building
-Bringing non-traditional organizations into public health discussions
-Community organizing with state-wide "communities"
-Community organizing with state-wide "communities"
What is one thing (or many!) you are working on right now in your fellowship?
Implementation of Healthiest Wisconsin 2020: the state's public health plan.
What is one public health achievement you would like to see in the next 25 years?
What is one public health achievement you would like to see in the next 25 years?
Changes in laws and social norms around alcohol.