Casey Schumann

When did you complete your Fellowship?
January 2008

Where did you complete your Fellowship?
Wisconsin Division of Public Health, AIDS/HIV Program

What are you doing now, and where?
Epidemiologist for the AIDS/HIV Program, DPH

How did the Fellowship contribute to your current situation?
My Fellowship contributed directly and I am working for the same program that I did as a fellow. I also learned about the structure and culture of working in state government during the Fellowship, which better prepared me for my current position. 

Do you have any advice for current Fellows or those interested in the Fellowship?
The Fellowship is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to work on a variety of projects across Program areas instead of being tied to a task or line of work like a permanent employee is.  Unless you are SO passionate about a subject that you know the type of work you eventually want to do, take advantage of the Fellowship in terms of trying different things.

What types of projects are you currently involved in?
Most of my projects involve analysis of epidemiologic and service utilization data for people living with HIV in Wisconsin.  I also work closely with my care, prevention, and surveillance colleagues in the program to improve HIV testing and care services in Wisconsin.

What is one public health-related activity in your community that you are proud about?
The Statewide smoking ban. It is so nice to be able to go out for dinner, or to enjoy a cocktail before a show at the Overture Center and not smell like smoke.