Welcome message from Marion Ceraso, Fellowship Program Director:
What’s in a Name: The Wisconsin Population Health Service Fellowship
As Program Director for the newly renamed Wisconsin Population Health Service Fellowship, I get a privileged view of the impressive service Fellows are providing to Wisconsin organizations and communities. Thanks to Kat, our Fellowship blogger, for creating this opportunity for current and past fellows, preceptors, faculty, staff and other partners to share a window onto important work in public health going on in Wisconsin and beyond, and to maintain their links to this network of colleagues and friends.
Here’s just a little taste of all the work that’s going on this year – by Fellow in alphabetical order:
Katarina (Kat) Grande (placed in the Milwaukee Health Department and the Center for Urban Population Health) is documenting the oral histories of local community members who are advising the statewide research project, the Survey of the Health of Wisconsin; Raisa Koltun (placed in the Milwaukee Health Department and Proyecto Salud) is writing her fingers off to bring grant resources to efforts to improve the health and well being of Milwaukee’s Latino community; Sara Soka (placed in the Wisconsin Division of Public Health) is piloting fruit and vegetable toolkits in communities working to promote healthier restaurant and grocery store environments; Marisa Stanley (placed in the Division of Public Health) is collaborating with the Great Lakes Inter-Tribal Council EpiCenter in Lac de Flambeau on a program to reduce non-traditional use of tobacco; Paula Tran Inzeo (placed in the Division of Public Health) is conducting an analysis to quantify returns on investment in lead prevention programs; Kelli Truszynski (placed with the Southern Regional Office of the Division of Public Health and with the Milwaukee Health Department) is analyzing clinic flow and making recommendations for improvement in the Grant County WIC clinic; Katherine Vaughn Jehring (placed with the Division of Public Health and the Allied Wellness Center) is working with a statewide team to implement Wisconsin’s state health plan, Healthiest Wisconsin 2020.