Interested in Hosting a Fellow?
The Wisconsin Population Health Service Fellowship recruits and places promising early-career public health professionals in 2 year service learning positions at public health and community-based organizations throughout Wisconsin. The Fellowship aims to build strong public health leadership in order to successfully eliminate health disparities and build healthy communities in Wisconsin. Through their work and by completing the program’s core activities of learning (CALs), Fellows address a broad range of population health determinants, implement strategies for health improvement, and develop population health skills and practical experience in a strong network of mentors and peers. Fellows and Preceptors are supported by a learning community that meets monthly to network, explore cutting-edge public health topics, and continue professional skill development.
Placement Site Information
Fellows have been placed in more than 40 organizations across Wisconsin. Placements are two years and are based on the interests and needs of Fellows and placement organizations. A matching process is used to find the best fit between selected Fellows’ professional development goals and placement sites’ program and research needs.
What Types of Organizations Can Be Placement Sites
Rural and urban, governmental and non-profit organizations engaged in improving population health in Wisconsin are all appropriate for a two-year Fellow placement. Those interested in serving as Preceptors should have a breadth of knowledge and experience in population health as well as proven ability and interest in serving as a supervisor and mentor. We encourage potential placement sites to share ideas for dual placements, namely with a traditional public health agency and a community-based organization.
Fellow/placement matching period: March - April
Fellowship appointment term: July 1 - June 30"
To express your interest in hosting a Fellow, please complete the form below:
Wisconsin Population Health Service Fellowship Program Placement Interest Form (please review Core Activities of Learning prior to completing the application form)
Preceptor responsibilities include:
Provide ongoing supervision and mentoring to the Fellow; this entails a minimum of two hours per week to plan and discuss work progress.
Facilitate successful completion of Core Activities of Learning (CALs).
Participate in Fellow/Preceptor progress review meetings, Fellowship learning community, and end-of-year overall program evaluation.
Facilitate networking with appropriate staff and external partners.
Advise and assist Fellows in planning for post-Fellowship career opportunities.
Placement site responsibilities include:
Provide the Fellow with a workspace comparable to that provided to other professional staff within the organization.
Provide Fellow’s travel expenses that are related directly to job function within the organization.
For further information, please contact:
Paula Tran Inzeo
MATCH Program Director