2008 - 2010 COHORT
Evan Cole
Evan received his MPH in Public Health Administration and Policy at the University of Minnesota. During his Fellowship, Evan was placed with both the Wisconsin Division of Public Health (DPH), and the Division of Health Care Access and Accountability. He spent much of his time working on the Southeast Wisconsin Medicaid Managed Care Organizations RFP, first on issues regarding quality, and then on continuity of care concerns for those who were transitioned to a new HMO. His projects included policy research and analysis of access and quality for BadgerCare members enrolled in Managed Care, maintaining primary care services in rural areas of Wisconsin, and investigating barriers and facilitators to blood lead level screening in the state. Preceptors: Rachel Carabell and James Vergeront
Post Fellowship: Evan completed his doctorate at the Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine in 2013, and is Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Health Policy and Management in the University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health.
Marjory Givens
Marjory brought a wealth of academic and work experience to the Fellowship. She obtained a PhD in Biomedical Sciences from the School of Medicine at the University of California - San Diego and an MPH in Environmental/Occupational Health and Epidemiology from Rollins School of Public Health at Emory University. Marjory was placed with the Department of Health Services, Bureau of Environmental and Occupational Health where she wrote, managed, and implemented an ASTHO Capacity Building for the Built Environment and Health Impact Assessment (HIA) grant. Marjory also coordinated the development and implementation of the Wisconsin Trac ILI (influenza-like illnesses) surveillance system. Preceptors: James Vergeront and Charles Warzecha
Post Fellowship: Marjory is Associate Scientist and Assistant Director of County Health Ranking Special Projects at the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute in Madison, WI.
Courtenay Kessler
Courtenay completed her BA in Women’s Studies from Harvard College and her MS at Harvard School of Public Health with a concentration in Society, Human Development, and Health. During the Fellowship, Courtenay was placed at the City of Milwaukee Health Department (MHD) and the Sojourner Family Peace Center (SFPC). At MHD she engaged in a variety of projects including risk communication around the H1N1 flu, development of an evaluation plan for a nurse home-visiting program, development of content for a new men’s health webpage, and she tracked social indicators related to health. At SFPC, Courtenay led a research project that looked at child witness to violence and assisted with coordination of a health care provider consortium tasked with developing ER-based domestic violence screening protocols. Preceptor: Carmen Pitre
Post Fellowship: Courtenay is a doctoral student at Northwestern University.
Katharine Konkle
Kate has an MPH from the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Kate was placed with the Wisconsin Division of Public Health, Western Regional Office where she was involved in multiple projects. She assisted local health departments as they implemented a Community Health Improvement Process (CHIP), and worked as part of a statewide group to update the new CHIP website with regional information. Kate also took a leadership role with the Wisconsin Public Health Quality Initiative—a statewide collaborative project looking at assessment and quality improvement as a way to prepare for national voluntary accreditation of state and local health departments. Preceptor: Elizabeth Giese
Post Fellowship: Kate is Action Center Director of Research and Learning at County Health Rankings & Roadmaps with the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute in Madison, WI.
Samantha Perry
Samantha received her MPH in Community Health Education from Southern Illinois University. Samantha was placed at the City of Milwaukee Health Department (MHD) and the March of Dimes, where she provided program management, including data management and analysis, and evaluation, for seven prenatal education sites. With the MHD, Samantha assisted the Plain Talk Initiative to plan and implement sexual education outreach activities for teens and parents in high-risk zip codes. During her Fellowship, she also worked with nursing faculty at UW-Milwaukee to implement and evaluate community-based health education programming for residents of Milwaukee public housing. Preceptors: Barbra Beck and Pamela Pfeffer
Post Fellowship: Samantha is Project and Planning Coordinator at the Racine Kenosha Community Action Agency in Racine, WI.